What Mistakes Should You Avoid While Advertising On Facebook

  • By - Adcanopus
  • 26-03-2021

Well, Facebook Is Currently A Social Media Platform On Which Ads Can Reach Thousands And Millions Within A Short Period Of Time, Provided, When Done Correctly! You Might Think It Wouldn’t Be Much Difficult To Advertise Your Business With Such A Network And Varied Options, Right? Yes It Is Pretty Much Easy. Although, To Create, Manage And Improve Your Campaigns On Facebook You Must Make Sure That You Are Thoroughly Conscious About How You Advertise, And Be Aware Of Potential Pitfalls You Could Fall Into.

So We’ll Tell You How You Can Prevent Certain Common Mistakes In Order To Grow Your Brand Bigger And Better.

1 Having unclear and uncertain goals:

Yes, Facebook is a social media where you can be quite casual in your marketing approach. But you need to know what you are getting at when you plan for and design your campaigns. You post enough hoping to attract consumers, about your brand often. Is that all? Remember that if you aren’t specific about the purpose of each campaign you promote, you cannot hit the right target. If you cannot keep a track of the metrics, your campaigns will fail to fetch you the success rate that you are expecting. For instance, if your goal is to sell x number of your newly lunched product, you have to create a campaign to drive enough traffic to your business website accordingly.

2 Selecting an ad type that’s not suitable:

Depending On What Your Campaign Is For, You Have To Select A Proper Ad Type From Facebook’s Wide Range Of Options For Business Ad. This Helps In Gaining A Greater Reach And A Higher Number Of Conversions Quickly. It Is Advisable To Choose From An Ad Type That Facebook Offers, As It Helps You Learn About The Purpose Of The Ad It Provides.

3 Not benefiting from the multi-dimensional features of facebook:

Let’s get it straight! Images and videos are more attractive than boring texts! We all agree, don’t we? We scroll through so many ads, posts and write-ups everyday on facebook and that’s why you have to make sure that your ad is exceptional enough to catch the attention of the audience. It is ideal to include very little text (less the 20%) and more number of vibrant images as well as videos that speak of your brand or product. Be creative and distinct each time as you need to retain the viewers on a long run and not just once!

4 Not targeting the right audience:

You Have To Direct Your Campaign Towards Targeted Viewers To Avoid Spending Too Much On People Who Are And Will Never Be Interested In The Product Or Service That You Are Selling. Identifying Them Is Necessary As Too Many Or Too Less Audience Will Not Serve The Purpose. Existing Customers Can Become Your Guide In Letting You Know Who Are Looking For Your Brand. Tracking And Analyzing By Using Tools Like Surveys And Questionnaires On Facebook Is Important To Understand The Customer Behavior.

5 Bombarding the audience who are your customers with the same old ads:

Most Of The Times, It So Happens That The Campaigns Appear On The Feeds Of Those Who Have Already Signed Up And Become Your Customers. This Is Unnecessary Effort And Expense. That’s The Reason Why You Should Use The Option Of Customizing The Audience. This Reduces The Risk Of Irritating The Existing Customers.

6 Not changing the content/using the same content:

If The Audience Keep Viewing The Same Content Over And Over Again, They Lose Interest And Scroll Past The Advertisement. This Calls For Creating Fresh And New Content Now And Then By Changing The Text And Images, In Order To Retain Their Interest.

7 Not incorporating facebook Pixel:

If You Do Not Insert Line Of Code (Facebook Pixel) In Your Website, You Cannot Keep A Record Of Customer Behavior That Takes Place On Your Website Due To Advertising. You Need To Comprehend What Works And What Does Not To Achieve The Desired Outcomes. This Lets You Improve Upon Those Aspects That Did Not Impact Much On The Viewers Previously And Alter To The Needs Accordingly.We Can Safely Say That Today’s World Runs On Social Media! Anything And Everything Can Happen On Social Media. It Is The Greatest Way To Reach The Mass. And Thus, The Proper Use Of Facebook Can Boost Your Business Grow And Flourish Within No Time. Next Time, When You Plan For A Facebook Ad Campaign, Keep These Points In Mind So You Get Maximum Advantage Of This Miraculous Social Media Platform.